String for finding Linux Administrators |
(“dba” OR “database administrator” OR “linux administrator”) AND linux AND apache AND (redhat OR fedora OR centos) AND vmware AND (tomcat OR mysql OR “my sql” OR “my-sql” OR postgre OR zimbra OR “ssh” OR “nfs” OR “bind” OR djbdns OR qmail OR openldap OR openssl OR “lvs” OR perl OR python OR ruby OR bash OR firewall)
Internet |
Devops BIg Dat |
(("devops" OR "site reliability" OR "sre" OR ("build" AND "release")) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR "chef" OR "nagios" OR "puppet" OR "jenkins" OR "docker" OR "rocket" OR "ansible" OR "fabric" OR "collectd" OR "collectl" OR "elk" OR "monit" OR "nginx" OR "nuget" OR "saltstack" OR "capistrano" OR "gradle" OR "zabbix" OR "splunk" OR "new relic")) AND ("big data" AND ("mapreduce" OR "hadoop" OR "spark") AND ("python" OR "java" OR "nosql" OR "hive" OR "pig" OR "machine learning" OR "sql" OR "scala" OR "mongodb" OR "cassandra" OR "hbase" OR "aws" OR "backend" OR "architecture" OR "mysql" OR "infrastructure" OR "redis" OR "distributed systems"))
Computer Software |
List node.js Framework |
"Express" OR "kraken.js" OR "Hapi.js" OR "Koa.js" OR "TotalJS" OR "Locomotive" OR "TWEE.IO" OR "Flatiron" OR "diet.js" OR "SailsJS" OR "Nodal" OR "Adonis" OR "Trails" OR "Strapi" OR "RhapsodyJS" OR "Compound.js" OR "ThinkJS" OR "Geddy" OR "Meteor" OR "DerbyJS" OR "GeddyJS" OR "TowerJS" OR "Mean.js " OR "" OR "Mojito" OR "Feathers" OR "Keystone" OR "Knockout.js" OR "SocketStream" OR "seneca.js" OR "Catberry" OR "AllcountJS." OR "Flatiron" OR "Connect" OR "Socket.IO" OR "Noda" OR "RESTify" OR "Frisby" OR "Partial.js" OR "Raddish" OR "Fortune.js" OR "percolator" OR "Ionic" OR "Devisjs"
Computer Software |
Azure Devops for linkedin |
(Azure) (.net) (Architect OR Lead OR Manager) (CI OR CD OR Jenkins OR Chef OR Puppet)
Information Technology & Services |
Military payroll |
(federal OR government OR military OR navy OR "air force" OR "armed force") AND Payroll AND ("FPPS" OR "Federal Payroll Processing System" OR "EPIC" OR "EPIC HCUP" OR "WebTA" OR "OPF" OR "Official Personnel Folder" OR "Human Capital Management System")
Military |
Anglo-Dutch string for creative marketeer in design eenvironment | ((creatie OR creatief OR innovatie OR productontwikkeling) OR (creation OR creative OR innovation OR "product development")) AND marketing and (director OR VP OR CMO OR "chief Marketing") AND (design OR beautiful OR ontwerp OR aestethic OR esthetisch) (inurl:com/pub OR inurl:com/in) -inurl:pub/dir
Luxury Goods & Jewelry |
Front End Developer |
202 OR 301 OR 410 OR 443 OR 703 OR 571 intitle:resume OR inurl:resume ("web" OR "application") developer OR programmer "AJAX" OR "Javascript" OR "JSON" OR "angular" OR "backbone" OR "SOA" OR "Service Oriented Architecture"
Computer Software |
Cloud Architect |
architect AND "cloud platform" (azure or google OR aws OR heroku OR rackspace OR paas) AND (microservices OR android OR ios OR html5 OR js OR react OR sitecore OR sharepoint OR adobe)
Computer Networking |
Looking content tester or product tester |
("Content tester" OR "Content analyst") AND Product AND Marketing AND Compliance
Banking |
Cybersecutity expert (Defender or Researcher) |
(''Cybersecurity Specialist'' OR ''Cyber Security Specialist'' OR "Cybersecurity Expert") (Defender OR Researcher)
Computer & Network Security |