Description String Industry
Email/Messaging System Administrator (“systems administrator” OR “systems administration” OR “email systems administrator”) AND (“email delivery systems” OR powermta OR port25 OR “message systems” OR strongmail OR qmail OR sendmail OR ironport OR postfix) AND (“mta” OR “dns” OR “ptr” OR “mx records” OR “smtp protocols” OR “dkim” OR “spf” OR “dmarc” OR “fbl” OR “feedback loop”) Internet
String for finding Help Desk Support talent (helpdesk OR support OR technician OR “help desk” OR “service desk”) AND (OSX OR JDE OR iSeries OR virtual OR virtualization OR vmware) AND (“AD” OR “Active Directory”) AND DHCP AND DNS AND (network OR networking) AND (switches OR switching OR routers OR routing) AND (firewalls OR security) Internet
String for finding Network Administrators Server* AND (AD OR “Active Directory”) AND Exchange AND DNS AND (Linux OR Unix OR Centos OR RedHat) AND (Lan OR WAN) AND (VOIP OR SIP) AND (“power shell” OR scripts OR scripting) AND (routers OR routing OR switches OR switching OR bridges OR “Network Administrator”) Information Technology & Services
String for finding Linux Administrators (“dba” OR “database administrator” OR “linux administrator”) AND linux AND apache AND (redhat OR fedora OR centos) AND vmware AND (tomcat OR mysql OR “my sql” OR “my-sql” OR postgre OR zimbra OR “ssh” OR “nfs” OR “bind” OR djbdns OR qmail OR openldap OR openssl OR “lvs” OR perl OR python OR ruby OR bash OR firewall) Internet
Systems Engineer string Windows AND Exchange AND Cisco AND switch* AND rout* AND IIS AND (Voip OR Citrix OR AIX OR Linux OR MCSE OR CCNA OR CCNP OR CNNA OR “Systems Engineer”) AND TCP/IP AND “Active Directory” AND DNS Internet
Network admin ("Network Admin" OR "Network administrator" OR "Systems Admin" OR "Systems Administrator") AND (server OR servers) AND (exchange OR cloud OR “office 365” OR SharePoint OR “Active Directory”) AND (vmware OR virtual* OR DNS OR DHCP) Computer & Network Security
Network Engineer "(("network engineer" OR "network systems" OR "network engineering" OR "network design") AND ("cisco technologies" OR switches OR vpn OR firewalls OR "network security" OR routers OR networking OR tcp/ip OR troubleshooting OR routing OR "data center" OR "cisco ios" OR wan OR "network administration" OR ospf OR bgp OR dns OR "network architecture" OR ccna OR juniper OR lan-wan OR voip OR "cisco routers" OR virtualization OR "disaster recovery"))" Information Technology & Services
Infrastructure/Active Directory Engineer (exchange OR cloud OR “office 365” OR SharePoint OR “Active Directory” OR Infrastructure OR Network) AND (vmware OR virtual* OR DNS OR DHCP) AND Vmware AND vsphere AND (EMC OR BROCADE OR JUNIPER OR F5 OR IIS) AND (server OR servers) Computer & Network Security
infrastructure support (network OR "VPN" OR "dhcp" OR "DNS") AND (Citrix OR "ADC" OR "adm" OR "netscaler") AND remote AND (configuration OR support) Information Technology & Services
Citrix Engineer (network OR "VPN" OR "dhcp" OR "DNS") AND Citrix AND("ADC" OR "adm" OR "netscaler") AND remote AND (configuration OR support) Investment Banking/Venture