Description String Industry
Devops BIg Dat (("devops" OR "site reliability" OR "sre" OR ("build" AND "release")) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR "chef" OR "nagios" OR "puppet" OR "jenkins" OR "docker" OR "rocket" OR "ansible" OR "fabric" OR "collectd" OR "collectl" OR "elk" OR "monit" OR "nginx" OR "nuget" OR "saltstack" OR "capistrano" OR "gradle" OR "zabbix" OR "splunk" OR "new relic")) AND ("big data" AND ("mapreduce" OR "hadoop" OR "spark") AND ("python" OR "java" OR "nosql" OR "hive" OR "pig" OR "machine learning" OR "sql" OR "scala" OR "mongodb" OR "cassandra" OR "hbase" OR "aws" OR "backend" OR "architecture" OR "mysql" OR "infrastructure" OR "redis" OR "distributed systems")) Computer Software
Support Engineer with Hadoop ecosystem experience (Support OR Administrator OR Admin) (Engineer OR Engineering OR Tech OR Technician) (Hadoop OR CDH OR Ambari OR HDFS OR MapReduce OR Yarn OR Kerberos OR Hive OR HBase OR ''Spark '' OR Oozie OR Tez OR SVN OR '' Git'' OR CVS) Information Technology & Services
Platform Engineer "(platform AND (architecture OR infrastructure) AND ("cloud computing" OR "data center" OR SOA OR saas OR "solution architecture" OR "data platform" OR "cloud platform" OR "distributed systems" OR openstack) AND (python OR java OR mongodb OR redis OR ruby OR rails OR scala OR postgresql OR hadoop OR spark))" Information Technology & Services
Popular Python Libraries for Machine Learning and Data Science (Astropy OR Biopython OR Bokeh OR Cubes OR Dask OR DEAP OR DMelt OR graph-tool OR matplotlib OR Mlpy OR NetworkX OR Nilearn OR NumPy OR Pandas OR Pipenv OR PsychoPy OR PySpark OR python-weka-wrapper OR PyTorch OR SQLAlchemy OR SageMath OR ScientificPython OR scikit-image OR scikit-learn OR SciPy OR SCOOP OR SunPy OR SymPy OR TensorFlow OR Theano OR TomoPy OR Veusz) Computer Software
Data Architect(Azure) ("data warehouse" OR "data warehouses" OR "Azure SQL Data Warehouse") AND (Implement OR implementing OR Implementation) AND (Azure OR "Azure SQL") AND ("Azure Data Factory" OR "Data Factory" OR "Azure Data Lake" OR "Data Lake" OR "Blob Storage" OR Blob) AND (Hyperscale OR "Hyper scale" OR Databricks OR "Data brick" OR Databrick OR "Data bricks" OR Spark OR "SQL Server Integration Services" OR SSIS OR "Azure DW" OR "Cosmos DB") Information Technology & Services
Hadoop Developer Hadoop and (Hive OR Pig) AND (HDFS OR Nosql OR Mongor Cassandra) AND (ETL OR Datawarehouse OR “data Warehouse” OR Informatica OR Powercenter) AND (Spark OR Scala) Information Technology & Services
React Developer (“Full Stack” OR “Java Developer”) AND Spark AND (ReactJS OR “React js” OR “React.JS” OR React OR NodeJS OR “Node Js” OR “D3” OR JavaScript OR “Java Script” OR “JS”) Information Technology & Services
Big Data (“Big Data” OR MAPR OR MAPREDUCE OR HADOOP OR HIVE OR SPARK OR 5C OR BDMM OR “MATURITY MODEL”) AND DATA AND (SQL OR ETL OR “Data Warehouse” OR “T SQL” OR “PL/SQL” OR ORACLE) AND (Python OR Shell OR Perl) AND (Integrate OR INTEGRATION OR “DATA QUALITY” OR FLOW) (“Big Data” OR BigData OR Big-Data) AND Architect AND (MAPR OR Mapreduce OR Hadoop OR Hive OR Spark OR Pig) AND Warehouse And ("Data Model" OR Erwin) AND (Sql OR Etl OR “T Sql” OR “Pl/Sql” OR Oracle) AND (ETL OR “Data Warehousing” OR “Data Warehous”) AND (Python OR Shell OR Perl) Information Technology & Services
Big Data Engineer ("BIG DATA" OR BIGDATA OR HADOOP OR INFORMATION) AND (Spark OR PySpark) AND (Java OR Scala OR Python) AND (AWS OR "Amazon Web Services" OR Cloud OR S3 OR EFS OR MSK OR ECS OR EMR OR Lambda) AND (RDBMS OR MySQL OR "No-SQL") AND Kafka Information Technology & Services
Data Engineer with Spark (Data Engineer OR data analysis) AND (data mining OR machine learning OR big data OR data science OR data scientist OR data warehouse OR data warehousing) AND (python OR sql OR r OR hadoop OR nosql OR etl OR analytics OR statistics OR java OR mysql OR databases OR aws OR scala) AND Spark AND (HDFS OR Hadoop Distributed File System) AND MapReduce AND Airflow AND (DAX OR Data Analysis Expressions) Information Technology & Services