Description String Industry
Data Analyst - health care (“Healthcare” OR "Health care") AND (“Statistical analysis” OR “Presentation skills” OR “Group presentation”) Information Technology & Services
Crum developer (“Curam developer” OR “curam engineer”) AND (“Curam V6 Certified Developer” OR “Curam V6” OR “Curam Enterprise Framework Components” OR “Curam Intelligent Evidence Gathering” OR “IEG2” OR “Curam Express Rules for Triage” OR “CERT”) AND ( “HTML” OR “DHTML” OR “JavaScript” OR “Open source Java framework”) AND ("Struts" OR "Springs") AND (“Ajax” OR ”JQuery” OR “Dojo” OR “SOA” OR “web services” OR “Websphere” OR “ESB” OR “Message Broker” OR “Eclipse” OR “JIRA” OR “Webservice” OR “Oracle”) Information Technology & Services
Security Engineer "(security AND ("network security" OR encryption OR authentication OR cryptography OR "security compliance" OR "information security" OR "computer security" OR cybersecurity OR "cyber security") AND (malware OR antivirus OR worm OR trojan OR spam OR phishing OR fraud OR exploit OR vulnerability OR pki OR ids OR ips OR "access control" OR audit OR policy OR dlp OR "data loss protection" OR compliance OR cissp OR pci OR risk OR privacy OR identity OR forensics OR intrusion OR attack OR ddos))" Information Technology & Services
Network Engineer "(("network engineer" OR "network systems" OR "network engineering" OR "network design") AND ("cisco technologies" OR switches OR vpn OR firewalls OR "network security" OR routers OR networking OR tcp/ip OR troubleshooting OR routing OR "data center" OR "cisco ios" OR wan OR "network administration" OR ospf OR bgp OR dns OR "network architecture" OR ccna OR juniper OR lan-wan OR voip OR "cisco routers" OR virtualization OR "disaster recovery"))" Information Technology & Services
DevOps "(((devops AND automations AND operations) OR (devops AND performance AND monitoring) OR "site reliability" OR sre OR (build AND release)) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR ci OR cd OR chef OR nagios OR puppet OR icinga OR jenkins OR docker OR rocket OR ansible OR saltstack OR fabric OR collectd OR collectl OR OR elk OR monit OR nginx OR nuget OR cfengine OR saltstack OR capistrano OR qubell OR gradle OR nexus OR zabbix OR splunk OR "new relic" OR newrelic OR dynatrace OR bluestripe))" Information Technology & Services
network security engineer (("firewalls" OR "vpn") AND "network security") OR ("networking" AND "security") OR ("switches" OR "windows server") Information Technology & Services
Blockchain Roles (blockchain or "block chain" or "block-chain") AND (Ethereum OR Hyperledger OR DAAPS OR "Smart Contracts") AND ("head of department" OR "sales head" OR "Practice head" OR "GM" OR "VP" OR "vice president" OR leader) Information Technology & Services
Search Developer (Solr) (Solr or "Solr Search" OR "Lucene" OR "Apache Solr") AND ("Solr cloud") AND ("installation" OR "configuration") Information Technology & Services
Fitness search site: "updated their cover photo" and "fitness studio" AND "89 people like this" Health, Wellness & Fitness
Java Entwickler, die eine neue Herausforderung suchen (Java OR ''Java Development'') (Herausforderung OR ''neue Herausforderung'') Information Technology & Services