Description String Industry
Share point Developer (“SharePoint Designer” OR “SharePoint Developer”) AND O365 AND ("SharePoint Online" OR "OneDrive for Business" OR 'MS Flows" OR "Power Apps" OR "Planner" ) AND Powershell AND Onedrive AND ( Migration OR SPMT OR Metalogix OR ShareGate OR Quest OR AvePoint) Computer Software
UX Architect (ux OR "user experience" OR "user designer" OR "ux/ui" OR ui OR uxd OR ued OR xd) (design OR designing OR research OR researcher OR researching OR designer OR designs) Information Technology & Services
CAD designer role "CAD Designer" OR "Electrical harnesses" OR "harness design" OR "Electrical Harnesses 2D – 3D" OR "2D" OR "3D" AND "Catia V5" OR "Catia V6" Automotive
Graphics Designer Graphics AND (Design OR Designer OR Designing) AND ("Coral draw"Photoshop OR Illustrator OR Maya) AND (Adobe OR "Finalcut Pro") Animation