Description String Industry
Lead Software Engineer targeting product (Java OR Python OR Ruby) AND ("Big Data" OR Cassandra OR Elasticsearch OR "Elastic search" OR Kakfa) AND (MongoDB OR Mongo OR "Mongo DB" OR Database OR NoSQL) AND ("data structures" OR datastructures OR datastructure OR "data structure") AND (Algo OR Algorithms OR Algorithm) AND (API OR APIs OR RESTful) AND ("Distributed Systems" OR "system design" OR architecture) AND (AWS OR Azure OR GCP OR Cloud) Information Technology & Services
Full Stack JavaScript Engineer Node OR "Node js" OR Nodejs OR Node.js AND (React OR "React js" OR Reactjs OR React.js) AND (Python OR Java) AND (AWS OR S3 OR EC2) AND (Kubernetes OR K8s OR Docker OR OpenShift OR EKS OR Terraform) Computer Software
Linux Automation Engineer ("scripting" OR "perl" OR "python" OR "bash" OR "shell" OR "java" OR "go" OR "c++") AND ("CICD" OR "CI/CD" OR "jenkins" OR "maven") AND ("Splunk" OR "dynatrace" OR "Jmeter" OR "appdynamics" OR "apica") AND (ansible OR "chef" OR "puppet") AND (siem OR "sim" OR "sem" OR "log" OR "event") Investment Banking/Venture
Directory Services (LDAP) Operations Engineer (“Directory services” OR “LDAP” OR “Lightweight Directory Access Protocol”) AND (“IDAM” OR “identity access management” OR “Identity and access management”) (“Python”) AND (“script” OR “scripting”) (“DevOps” OR “Dev ops”) (“Linux”) Banking
Big Data Engineer ("BIG DATA" OR BIGDATA OR HADOOP OR INFORMATION) AND (Spark OR PySpark) AND (Java OR Scala OR Python) AND (AWS OR "Amazon Web Services" OR Cloud OR S3 OR EFS OR MSK OR ECS OR EMR OR Lambda) AND (RDBMS OR MySQL OR "No-SQL") AND Kafka Information Technology & Services
Python Developer (TDD OR ''Test Driven development'' OR BDD OR ''behavior-driven development'' OR ''test-driven development'') AND ("python developer" OR "Python Programmer" OR "Python Development" OR "Senior Python Developer" OR "Python Developer Lead" OR "Backend Python Developer" OR "Python Fullstack Developer" OR "Fullstack Python Developer" OR "Python and Django Developer") AND Microservice Computer Software
Data Engineer with Spark (Data Engineer OR data analysis) AND (data mining OR machine learning OR big data OR data science OR data scientist OR data warehouse OR data warehousing) AND (python OR sql OR r OR hadoop OR nosql OR etl OR analytics OR statistics OR java OR mysql OR databases OR aws OR scala) AND Spark AND (HDFS OR Hadoop Distributed File System) AND MapReduce AND Airflow AND (DAX OR Data Analysis Expressions) Information Technology & Services
Cloud integration architect Oracle AND (AWS OR "Amazon web services" OR "bucket storage" OR S3 OR "Relational Database Service" OR RDS) AND (HCM OR "HCM Communicate" OR Journeys OR Touchpoints OR Connections OR HR Help Desk OR Digital Assistant ) AND ("Cloud Integration") AND (Developer OR Consultant OR Architect OR Lead OR Sr. OR Senior OR Sr OR Manager) AND (Java OR Python OR C#) AND (DNS OR TCP/IP OR HTTP OR CDN OR VPN OR "Route 53" OR CloudFront OR "Cloud Front" OR CDN OR "Virtual Private Cloud" OR VPC) AND (" Identity and Access Management" OR IAM) AND ("AWS architect" OR "Google Cloud") AND (SQS OR "Simple Queing" OR SNS OR RDS OR "Relational Database Service") Information Technology & Services
Data scientist ML AND (python OR R) Computer Software