Description String Industry
Xen Virtualization Software Engineer with Linux kernel programming & C++ ("Xen Project" OR "OpenEmbedded" OR "Open Embedded" OR "XenClient XT" OR xen OR "xen project" OR " Yocto Project" OR "Xen-hypervisor" OR hypervisor OR "xen hypervisor" OR xenapp OR xendesktop OR citrix) AND kernel AND virtualization AND C++ Computer Software
Citrix Engineer (Citrix OR "ADC" OR "adm" OR "netscaler") AND remote AND (configuration OR support) Citrix and ("ADC" OR "adm" OR "netscaler") Citrix AND ("vdi" OR "daas" OR "virtual apps" OR "XenApp" OR "adc" OR "netscaler" OR "Xen Desktop" OR "SDX" OR "hypervisor") Investment Banking/Venture