iOS |
"(ios AND ("objective c" OR objective-c) AND (swift OR xcode OR "cocoa touch" OR tvOS OR watchOS))"
Information Technology & Services |
List of DevOps/Developer Tools Companies |
(Gitlab OR Databricks OR Confluent OR Rubrik OR Cloudbees OR Datadog OR "New relic" OR Mulesoft OR Netskope OR Overops OR Demisto OR Sentry OR CircleCI OR Atlassian OR Elastic OR "Duo Security" OR Duo OR "Pager Duty" OR Launch OR Darkly OR AppDynamics OR "New Relic" OR Cloudera OR ServiceNow OR Sysdig OR Dynatrace OR "Amazon CloudWatch" OR "Sumo Logic" OR TruSight OR Foglight OR Inspring OR Moogsoft OR Cloudera OR Splunk OR AWS OR OpsRamp OR LogicMonitor OR Puppet OR "Electric Cloud" OR BigPanda OR ShiftLeft OR Apcera OR BetterCloud OR SignalFX OR Streamsets)
Computer Software |
Java Developer with Cloud |
("java" OR "j2ee") AND (spring OR "springboot" OR "spring boot" OR "mvc" OR "ioc" OR batch OR "security" OR "AOP" OR "DAO" OR "data") AND ("microservice" OR "micro service" OR "micro-service" OR "restful" OR "restful API") AND ("aws" OR "s3" OR "ec2" OR "amazon" OR "cloud watch" OR "cloud formation") AND (Docker OR kubernetes) AND ("cicd" OR "ci cd" OR "jenkins" OR "ci/cd" OR "continous integration" OR "continous development")
Banking |
To find an SRE |
Python AND Linux AND Shell AND Kubernetes AND (AWS OR GCP) AND (monitoring solutions OR CloudWatch OR Stackdriver OR Prometheus OR Thanos OR Graphite OR Grafana OR ELK OR Alert Logic OR Datadog)
Information Technology & Services |
("Automation engineer" OR "SDET" OR Tester OR “Teat Lead”) AND Automation and Test AND (Selenium OR Cucumber OR “Night watch” OR “nightwatch”) AND Java
Information Technology & Services |
Companies acquired by VMware |
(Datrium OR Lastline OR Octarine OR Nyansa OR Pivotal OR "Carbon Black" OR Intrinsic OR Veriflow OR Uhana OR Boxer OR AetherPal OR VeloCloud OR "E8 Security" OR Apteligent OR Desktone OR WaveMaker OR Wanova OR SlideRocket OR Socialcast OR Integrien OR "Digital Fuel" OR TriCipher OR "CloudHealth Technologies" OR "Blue Lane Technologies" OR DynamicOps OR CloudVelox OR Heptio OR "Shavlik Technologies" OR Bitnami OR "Thinstall inc" OR "Akimbi Systems" OR SpringSource OR PLUMgrid OR OR Packetmotion OR AirWatch OR Determina OR "B-hive Networks" OR Immidio OR Arkin OR CloudCoreo OR "Dunes Technologies" OR "Avi Networks" OR "Nicira Networks" OR "Virsto Software" OR CloudVolumes OR Wavefront)
Computer Networking |
ETL Informatica Developer with Cloud |
("etl" OR "extract" OR "transform" OR "load" OR "informatica") AND ("jenkins" OR "ansible") AND ("docker" OR "kubernetes") AND ("watchdog" OR "splunk" OR "dyntrace")
Investment Banking/Venture |
DevOps Engineer |
("devOps" OR "cicd" OR "ci cd" OR "blue-green deployment" OR "jenkins") AND ("monitoring" OR "splunk" OR "jmeter") AND ("container" OR "docker" OR "kubernetes" OR "openshit" OR "open shift") AND ("monitor" OR "splunk" OR "datadog" OR "watch dog" OR "watchdog" OR "app dynamics" OR "appdynamics" OR "siem" )
Investment Banking/Venture |