Description String Industry
Project Engineer - interiors -inurl:dir -jobs -aerospace ("project engineer" OR "project * engineer") AND (interiors OR interior OR facia OR "interior trim" OR "instrument panel" OR "centre console" OR "center console" OR cockpit OR seat OR seating) AND fmea AND (design OR development) Automotive
X ray searching for a programmer on LinkedIn ("Software developer" OR "software Engineer" OR Development OR developer) AND (CS OR C.S OR "computer Science") AND Seattle WA Health, Wellness & Fitness
X-ray Linked search Software Engineers in Cloud based in Seattle ("software development" OR programmer OR developer)(distributed OR "large scale" OR scaling OR "high availability" OR "server side") (spark OR "data service" OR database OR "data warehouse" OR storage OR "big data" (bscs OR mscs OR "computer Science" OR algorithm OR "data structures") Seattle OR "Greater Seattle" Information Technology & Services