Description String Industry
Java Developer with Cloud ("java" OR "j2ee") AND (spring OR "springboot" OR "spring boot" OR "mvc" OR "ioc" OR batch OR "security" OR "AOP" OR "DAO" OR "data") AND ("microservice" OR "micro service" OR "micro-service" OR "restful" OR "restful API") AND ("aws" OR "s3" OR "ec2" OR "amazon" OR "cloud watch" OR "cloud formation") AND (Docker OR kubernetes) AND ("cicd" OR "ci cd" OR "jenkins" OR "ci/cd" OR "continous integration" OR "continous development") Banking
Full Stack Developer with AWS or Azure ("full stack developer" OR "full stack engineer" OR "full stack web developer" OR "frontend and backend developer" OR "frontend and server-side developer") AND ("relational databases" OR SQL OR NoSQL OR “database design”) AND ("RESTful APIs" OR API OR APIs OR "API design" OR "API integration" OR JSON OR GraphQL) AND ("cloud services" OR AWS OR Azure OR "Google Cloud” OR IaaS OR PaaS OR SaaS) AND (Agile OR scrum) Computer Software
Java Kafka Developer with Azure Cloud ("Java" OR "J2EE") AND Azure AND ("azure devOp" OR "azure pipeline" OR "continous integration" OR "continous development" OR "continous deployment" OR "CICD" OR "ci cd" OR "jenkins" OR "ansible" OR "Git") AND Kafka AND ("messag* broker" OR "stream" OR "publisher" OR "consumer" OR "MQ" OR "active mq" OR "rabbit mq") AND (microservice OR "micro service" OR "micro-service" OR "restful api" OR "REST API") Banking