Description String Industry
.NET Developer string and keywords .Net AND (VS OR “Visual Studio”) AND (VB OR “Visual Basic” OR AND (ASP OR AND (C# OR ) AND “SQL Server” Internet
SharePoint Developer string (“SharePoint Designer” OR “SharePoint Developer”) AND (html OR css OR xsl OR xslt OR javascript OR jquery OR ajax) AND .net AND ( OR C# OR AND (Silverlight OR “SQL Server” OR SSRS OR SSAS OR “reporting services” OR “analysis services”) Internet
Finding the resumes of Ruby engineers ((intitle:~cv OR inurl:~cv) (Engineer OR Programmer OR Developer)) (Ruby OR “ruby on Rails” OR “ROR”) (inurl:pdf OR inurl:doc OR inurl:rtf OR inurl:docx) -submit -sample -inurl:job Internet
.net developer with State client ( OR c#) AND sql AND N-tier AND agile AND .net AND server AND ("state of" OR "city of") Information Technology & Services
.net developer (NET or "dot net" OR ".net") AND c# AND "" AND (warehousing OR "data processing") AND (Jenkins OR "continuous integration" OR "continuous delivery" OR CD OR CI) Computer Software
.net developer (NET or "dot net" OR ".net") AND c# AND "" AND (warehousing OR "data processing") Information Services
Position Description: Senior Developer Position Grade: Senior Manager Line Management: No Location: Gurugram, India About Finance, Risk & Treasury Technology (“program manager” OR “project manager” OR “it manager” OR “information technology manager” OR "Sr. Manager" OR "Sr. Developer" OR "Senior Developer"), AND (“dba” OR “data analyst” OR “database administrator”) AND .Net AND (VS OR “Visual Studio”) AND (VB OR “Visual Basic” OR AND (ASP OR AND (C# OR ) AND “SQL Server” Investment Banking/Venture
String to get resumes for React Devs (intitle:~cv OR inurl:~cv OR intitle:~resume OR inurl:~resume) (React OR ReactJS) (Javascript OR Typescript) (HTML OR HTML5) (CSS OR CSS3) (Jest) (Cypress) (Accessibility) (NPM) (inurl:pdf OR inurl:doc OR inurl:rtf OR inurl:docx) -submit -sample -inurl:job Computer Software
.NET Full Stack w/Angular (".NET" OR "Dot Net" OR "DotNet" OR "Dot-Net") AND ("VB" OR "VB.NET" OR "Visual Basic" OR "VC" OR "VC.NET" OR "ASP" OR "ASP.NET" OR C# OR "C#.NET") AND ("AngularJS" OR "Angular" OR "Angular13") AND ("SQL" OR "MSSQL" OR "NoSQL" OR "PostgreSQL" OR "SQL Server") Computer Software