Description String Industry
This string is for Microstrategy Developer Can be utilize in job boards like Dice and Monster (microstrateg* OR "microstrategy developer" OR "microstrategy engineer") OR ("BI reports" OR "dashboards" OR cubes) AND ("SQL Server") AND ("command Manager" OR "Object Manager" OR "System Manager" OR "Integrity Manager" OR "Enterprise Manager" OR "I-server" OR "Web Server" OR "visual Insight") Staffing & Recruiting
Account Manager, Technical Account Manager, Financial Services (("account management" OR "integration" OR "saas" OR "enterprise software" OR "cloud computing") AND ("windows server" OR "vmware" OR "data center" OR "troubleshooting" OR "virtualization") AND ("hedge funds" OR "financial markets" OR "trading systems" OR "market data") AND ("account" OR "account manager" OR "technical" OR "customer service" OR "network infrastructure") AND "financial services") Computer & Network Security
.NET Developer string and keywords .Net AND (VS OR “Visual Studio”) AND (VB OR “Visual Basic” OR AND (ASP OR AND (C# OR ) AND “SQL Server” Internet
String for finding Database Administrators (“database administration” OR “database administrator” OR “DB Admin” OR DBA) AND (SQL OR “SQL Server”) Internet
String for finding Network Administrators Server* AND (AD OR “Active Directory”) AND Exchange AND DNS AND (Linux OR Unix OR Centos OR RedHat) AND (Lan OR WAN) AND (VOIP OR SIP) AND (“power shell” OR scripts OR scripting) AND (routers OR routing OR switches OR switching OR bridges OR “Network Administrator”) Information Technology & Services
SharePoint Developer string (“SharePoint Designer” OR “SharePoint Developer”) AND (html OR css OR xsl OR xslt OR javascript OR jquery OR ajax) AND .net AND ( OR C# OR AND (Silverlight OR “SQL Server” OR SSRS OR SSAS OR “reporting services” OR “analysis services”) Internet
SQL Data Analyst string (“dba” OR “data analyst” OR “database administrator”) AND “sql server” AND (“transact-sql” OR “t-sql” OR “tsql”) AND (“stored procedures” OR “ssis” OR “ssas” OR “ssrs” OR analy OR “data conversion” OR query OR queries OR “data mining” OR excel OR pivot OR vlookup OR “v-lookup” OR chart OR graph OR “ms office” OR audit) Internet
Sr. Data Warehouse Architect & Developer (architect OR develop* OR program* OR engineer) AND “sql server” AND “data warehousing” AND perl AND (microstrategy OR profiler OR “data hygiene” OR “etl” OR computations OR aggregations OR analy* OR quer* OR index OR design OR deploy OR test) Internet
Web Designer html AND javascript AND css AND (photoshop OR illustrator OR adobe) AND (flash OR actionscript OR macromedia) AND (“Java Server Pages” OR JSP OR Java OR “Active Server Pages” OR ASP OR “Google Web Toolkit” OR XML OR oracle OR IIS) AND SQL Internet
.net developer with State client ( OR c#) AND sql AND N-tier AND agile AND .net AND server AND ("state of" OR "city of") Information Technology & Services