Devops BIg Dat |
(("devops" OR "site reliability" OR "sre" OR ("build" AND "release")) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR "chef" OR "nagios" OR "puppet" OR "jenkins" OR "docker" OR "rocket" OR "ansible" OR "fabric" OR "collectd" OR "collectl" OR "elk" OR "monit" OR "nginx" OR "nuget" OR "saltstack" OR "capistrano" OR "gradle" OR "zabbix" OR "splunk" OR "new relic")) AND ("big data" AND ("mapreduce" OR "hadoop" OR "spark") AND ("python" OR "java" OR "nosql" OR "hive" OR "pig" OR "machine learning" OR "sql" OR "scala" OR "mongodb" OR "cassandra" OR "hbase" OR "aws" OR "backend" OR "architecture" OR "mysql" OR "infrastructure" OR "redis" OR "distributed systems"))
Computer Software |
DevOps |
(("devops" OR "site reliability" OR "sre" OR ("build" AND "release")) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR "chef" OR "nagios" OR "puppet" OR "jenkins" OR "docker" OR "rocket" OR "ansible" OR "fabric" OR "collectd" OR "collectl" OR "elk" OR "monit" OR "nginx" OR "nuget" OR "saltstack" OR "capistrano" OR "gradle" OR "zabbix" OR "splunk" OR "new relic")) -jobs -job
Information Technology & Services |
DevOps |
"(((devops AND automations AND operations) OR (devops AND performance AND monitoring) OR "site reliability" OR sre OR (build AND release)) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR ci OR cd OR chef OR nagios OR puppet OR icinga OR jenkins OR docker OR rocket OR ansible OR saltstack OR fabric OR collectd OR collectl OR OR elk OR monit OR nginx OR nuget OR cfengine OR saltstack OR capistrano OR qubell OR gradle OR nexus OR zabbix OR splunk OR "new relic" OR newrelic OR dynatrace OR bluestripe))"
Information Technology & Services |
List of DevOps/Developer Tools Companies |
(Gitlab OR Databricks OR Confluent OR Rubrik OR Cloudbees OR Datadog OR "New relic" OR Mulesoft OR Netskope OR Overops OR Demisto OR Sentry OR CircleCI OR Atlassian OR Elastic OR "Duo Security" OR Duo OR "Pager Duty" OR Launch OR Darkly OR AppDynamics OR "New Relic" OR Cloudera OR ServiceNow OR Sysdig OR Dynatrace OR "Amazon CloudWatch" OR "Sumo Logic" OR TruSight OR Foglight OR Inspring OR Moogsoft OR Cloudera OR Splunk OR AWS OR OpsRamp OR LogicMonitor OR Puppet OR "Electric Cloud" OR BigPanda OR ShiftLeft OR Apcera OR BetterCloud OR SignalFX OR Streamsets)
Computer Software |