Description String Industry
String to get resumes for React Devs (intitle:~cv OR inurl:~cv OR intitle:~resume OR inurl:~resume) (React OR ReactJS) (Javascript OR Typescript) (HTML OR HTML5) (CSS OR CSS3) (Jest) (Cypress) (Accessibility) (NPM) (inurl:pdf OR inurl:doc OR inurl:rtf OR inurl:docx) -submit -sample -inurl:job Computer Software
Searching profiles of ML Engineers in the Bay Area "about me" ("software engineer" OR programmer OR developer OR scientist)("deep learning" OR "neural network" OR "cafe" OR "tensoflor" OR "CuDNN" OR torch OR mxnet ("san fran" OR "sanjose" OR "bay area") - jobs Information Technology & Services
SRE String (SRE OR "site reliability engineer") AND (Python) and (AWS OR GCP) AND (Kubernetes) AND (ansible OR terraform) -inurl:jobs -inurl:posts AND (united states) Information Technology & Services
Employee onboarding (job OR employee OR "new hire" OR staff) (onboarding OR on-boarding) Human Resources