Java Developer with Cloud |
("java" OR "j2ee") AND (spring OR "springboot" OR "spring boot" OR "mvc" OR "ioc" OR batch OR "security" OR "AOP" OR "DAO" OR "data") AND ("microservice" OR "micro service" OR "micro-service" OR "restful" OR "restful API") AND ("aws" OR "s3" OR "ec2" OR "amazon" OR "cloud watch" OR "cloud formation") AND (Docker OR kubernetes) AND ("cicd" OR "ci cd" OR "jenkins" OR "ci/cd" OR "continous integration" OR "continous development")
Banking |
Systems Administrator |
(“Systems Administrator” OR Administrator OR “System Engineer” OR “Devops Engineer”) AND (PowerShell OR “Power Shell”) AND (“CI/CD” OR “Continue integration” OR “CI CD” OR Jenkins OR Bamboo) AND (Automation OR integration OR Deploy)
Information Technology & Services |
DevOps/Cloud Engineer |
("devOps engineer" OR "devops/cloud engineer" OR "aws/devOps engineer") AND ("cicd" OR "ci/cd" OR "ci cd" OR "blue-green deployment" OR "downtime" OR "bluegreen" OR "jenkins") AND ("terraform" OR "cloudformation" OR "cloud formation") AND ("docker" OR "kubernetes" OR "container*")
Banking |
Cloud Engineer with Terraform |
("terraform" OR "CloudFormation" OR "ec2" OR "ebs" OR "SNS" OR "load balancing" OR "auto scaling" OR "s3" OR "ECS" OR "EKS") AND ("api" OR "api gateway" OR cloud) AND ("devOps" OR "jenkins" OR CICD OR "CI/CD" OR "CI CD") AND ("script" OR "python" OR "shell" OR "bash")
Banking |
DevOps Engineer |
("devOps" OR "cicd" OR "ci cd" OR "blue-green deployment" OR "jenkins") AND ("monitoring" OR "splunk" OR "jmeter") AND ("container" OR "docker" OR "kubernetes" OR "openshit" OR "open shift") AND ("monitor" OR "splunk" OR "datadog" OR "watch dog" OR "watchdog" OR "app dynamics" OR "appdynamics" OR "siem" )
Investment Banking/Venture |
Java Kafka Developer with Azure Cloud |
("Java" OR "J2EE") AND Azure AND ("azure devOp" OR "azure pipeline" OR "continous integration" OR "continous development" OR "continous deployment" OR "CICD" OR "ci cd" OR "jenkins" OR "ansible" OR "Git") AND Kafka AND ("messag* broker" OR "stream" OR "publisher" OR "consumer" OR "MQ" OR "active mq" OR "rabbit mq") AND (microservice OR "micro service" OR "micro-service" OR "restful api" OR "REST API")
Banking |