Description String Industry
Quality assurance or Testing ("Quality Assurance" OR "QA") AND Test* AND ("performance test*" OR "application test*" OR "product test*" OR "regression test*" OR "system test*") AND ("automat* test*" OR winrunner OR "QTP" OR "Quick Test Pro" OR mercury OR "Test Director" OR Rational) Information Technology & Services
Java developer OOP AND java AND (eclipse OR "Rational team concert" OR RTC) AND sql AND soap AND rest AND xml Information Technology & Services
IT Security Manager & CISO ("IT infrastructure" OR IT) ("IT Strategy" OR "Solution Architecture" OR "IT Management") ("IT Strategy" OR "Solution Architecture" OR "IT Management") ("Security Specialist" OR "IT Security")("staff development" OR "succession planning" OR "IT strategic plan") (Programming OR C++ OR "C# Billing") ("Customer care" OR "Management Strategic" OR Operational OR tactical) Health, Wellness & Fitness