Description String Industry
Devops BIg Dat (("devops" OR "site reliability" OR "sre" OR ("build" AND "release")) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR "chef" OR "nagios" OR "puppet" OR "jenkins" OR "docker" OR "rocket" OR "ansible" OR "fabric" OR "collectd" OR "collectl" OR "elk" OR "monit" OR "nginx" OR "nuget" OR "saltstack" OR "capistrano" OR "gradle" OR "zabbix" OR "splunk" OR "new relic")) AND ("big data" AND ("mapreduce" OR "hadoop" OR "spark") AND ("python" OR "java" OR "nosql" OR "hive" OR "pig" OR "machine learning" OR "sql" OR "scala" OR "mongodb" OR "cassandra" OR "hbase" OR "aws" OR "backend" OR "architecture" OR "mysql" OR "infrastructure" OR "redis" OR "distributed systems")) Computer Software
Platform Engineer "(platform AND (architecture OR infrastructure) AND ("cloud computing" OR "data center" OR SOA OR saas OR "solution architecture" OR "data platform" OR "cloud platform" OR "distributed systems" OR openstack) AND (python OR java OR mongodb OR redis OR ruby OR rails OR scala OR postgresql OR hadoop OR spark))" Information Technology & Services
Systems Engineer "(("system engineer" OR "systems engineer" OR "systems engineering" OR "system engineering" OR "distributed systems") AND (virtualization OR "data center" OR security OR networking OR "cloud computing" OR "operating systems"))" Information Technology & Services
Python and Microservices - can be used for SD-wan requirements (Python AND Microservices AND Distributed AND Linux) Computer Software
Lead Software Engineer targeting product (Java OR Python OR Ruby) AND ("Big Data" OR Cassandra OR Elasticsearch OR "Elastic search" OR Kakfa) AND (MongoDB OR Mongo OR "Mongo DB" OR Database OR NoSQL) AND ("data structures" OR datastructures OR datastructure OR "data structure") AND (Algo OR Algorithms OR Algorithm) AND (API OR APIs OR RESTful) AND ("Distributed Systems" OR "system design" OR architecture) AND (AWS OR Azure OR GCP OR Cloud) Information Technology & Services
Data Engineer with Spark (Data Engineer OR data analysis) AND (data mining OR machine learning OR big data OR data science OR data scientist OR data warehouse OR data warehousing) AND (python OR sql OR r OR hadoop OR nosql OR etl OR analytics OR statistics OR java OR mysql OR databases OR aws OR scala) AND Spark AND (HDFS OR Hadoop Distributed File System) AND MapReduce AND Airflow AND (DAX OR Data Analysis Expressions) Information Technology & Services
X-ray Linked search Software Engineers in Cloud based in Seattle ("software development" OR programmer OR developer)(distributed OR "large scale" OR scaling OR "high availability" OR "server side") (spark OR "data service" OR database OR "data warehouse" OR storage OR "big data" (bscs OR mscs OR "computer Science" OR algorithm OR "data structures") Seattle OR "Greater Seattle" Information Technology & Services