Description String Industry
Retail e-learning manager UK (elearning OR e-learning OR "learning innovation" OR "blended learning" OR "online training" OR "Online L&D" OR "online learning" OR "Social Learning" OR microlearning OR Gamification OR "serious games") AND manager AND(retail OR hospitality) (inurl:com/pub OR inurl:com/in) NOT inurl:pub/dir Retail
Powertrain Assembly (Differential OR Axle OR "Cylinder Head" OR Transmission OR "transfer case" OR Drivetrain OR PWT OR Powertrain OR Engine OR Driveshaft OR "Drive Shaft" ) AND Assembl* AND Robot* Automotive
Base Engine Design Engineer ("engine block" OR “base engine” OR Piston OR Crankshaft OR Camshaft OR "cylinder head") AND Design Automotive
Engine Development Engineer ((Engine NEAR Test*) OR (Dyno NEAR Test*) OR (Dynamometer NEAR Test*) OR (engine NEAR Calibrat*) OR (dyno NEAR calibrat*)) AND (Calibrat* OR Combustion) Automotive
LinkedIn Xray Search using Google for Rail System Assurance Manager having experience in verification and validation of Rail Systems. (Rail OR metro OR subway OR transit OR lrt OR tram OR apm OR "people mover") (RAMS OR "System Safety" OR "System Assurance") "V&V" OR "verification & validation" Transportation/Trucking/Railroad
LinkedIn Xray search using google for CBTC Signaling Engineers having experience in installation, Testing & Commissioning of CBTC signaling systems. (Rail OR metroOR subway OR transit OR lrt OR tram OR apm OR "people mover") signaling | Signalling installation testing |"T&C"|"T & C" CBTC|ATC Transportation/Trucking/Railroad
LPNs for Tacoma, WA filetype:xlsx (intitle:alumni OR inurl:alumni OR intitle:alumnae OR inurl:alumnae OR intitle:graduates) ("licensed practical nurse" OR lpn) (lakewood OR tacoma OR dupont) -jobs -fair Medical Practice
testing to see where psychiatrists hang-out online (wa OR washington) "mental health" psychiatrists Mental Health Care
Searching for employed LPNs off of college sites site:edu ("licensed practical nurse" OR lpn) alumni ("she is" OR "he is") Hospital & Health Care
finding leads off of mental health websites, publications, etc. (links OR resources OR list)"mental health" Mental Health Care