Description String Industry
Node.Js developer in Paris ("node.js" OR "nodejs" OR "node") AND (developer OR engineer OR developpeur) AND "Ile-de-France" OR 75000..75999 OR paris AND inurl:cv OR inurl:bio* OR inurl:resume Not (inurl:offre* OR inurl:job OR inurl:emploi inurl:freelance OR inurl:enligne OR inurl:jobprod) NOT freelance Program Development
Linux Sys Admin / DBA (“dba” OR “database administrator” OR “database administration” OR “system administrator” OR “system administration” OR “sysadmin”) AND linux AND (mysql OR “my sql” OR “my-sql”) AND (“ksh” OR bash OR perl OR python) AND (nosql OR “no sql” OR “no-sql” OR mongo OR “disaster recovery” OR “meta data analysis” OR “data modeling” OR troubleshooting OR reporting OR backup) Information Technology & Services
Sr. Programmer – C++, Linux string (programmer OR engineer OR engineering OR Tech OR Technology OR developer) AND (linux OR unix) AND (redhat OR centos OR fedora) AND (“c” OR “c++”) AND sql AND (perl OR “php” OR shell) AND (postgre OR analy OR test OR design OR deploy OR execute) Internet
Polymer Foam, Polyurethane, Rubber Polymer Chemists OR Rubber Chemists NOT Lab NOT R&D Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing
Devops BIg Dat (("devops" OR "site reliability" OR "sre" OR ("build" AND "release")) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR "chef" OR "nagios" OR "puppet" OR "jenkins" OR "docker" OR "rocket" OR "ansible" OR "fabric" OR "collectd" OR "collectl" OR "elk" OR "monit" OR "nginx" OR "nuget" OR "saltstack" OR "capistrano" OR "gradle" OR "zabbix" OR "splunk" OR "new relic")) AND ("big data" AND ("mapreduce" OR "hadoop" OR "spark") AND ("python" OR "java" OR "nosql" OR "hive" OR "pig" OR "machine learning" OR "sql" OR "scala" OR "mongodb" OR "cassandra" OR "hbase" OR "aws" OR "backend" OR "architecture" OR "mysql" OR "infrastructure" OR "redis" OR "distributed systems")) Computer Software
List node.js Framework "Express" OR "kraken.js" OR "Hapi.js" OR "Koa.js" OR "TotalJS" OR "Locomotive" OR "TWEE.IO" OR "Flatiron" OR "diet.js" OR "SailsJS" OR "Nodal" OR "Adonis" OR "Trails" OR "Strapi" OR "RhapsodyJS" OR "Compound.js" OR "ThinkJS" OR "Geddy" OR "Meteor" OR "DerbyJS" OR "GeddyJS" OR "TowerJS" OR "Mean.js " OR "" OR "Mojito" OR "Feathers" OR "Keystone" OR "Knockout.js" OR "SocketStream" OR "seneca.js" OR "Catberry" OR "AllcountJS." OR "Flatiron" OR "Connect" OR "Socket.IO" OR "Noda" OR "RESTify" OR "Frisby" OR "Partial.js" OR "Raddish" OR "Fortune.js" OR "percolator" OR "Ionic" OR "Devisjs" Computer Software
Anglo-Dutch string for creative marketeer in design eenvironment ((creatie OR creatief OR innovatie OR productontwikkeling) OR (creation OR creative OR innovation OR "product development")) AND marketing and (director OR VP OR CMO OR "chief Marketing") AND (design OR beautiful OR ontwerp OR aestethic OR esthetisch) (inurl:com/pub OR inurl:com/in) -inurl:pub/dir Luxury Goods & Jewelry
DevOps (("devops" OR "site reliability" OR "sre" OR ("build" AND "release")) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR "chef" OR "nagios" OR "puppet" OR "jenkins" OR "docker" OR "rocket" OR "ansible" OR "fabric" OR "collectd" OR "collectl" OR "elk" OR "monit" OR "nginx" OR "nuget" OR "saltstack" OR "capistrano" OR "gradle" OR "zabbix" OR "splunk" OR "new relic")) -jobs -job Information Technology & Services
To find a core java developer with front end web development skills, strong database and operating system skills. (developer OR programmer OR consultant) AND (java OR j2ee) AND (ajax OR spring OR struts OR hibernate) AND (jquery OR javascript) AND (html OR css OR angular OR express OR Node OR react) AND (unix OR linux OR windows) AND (oracle OR SQL OR pl/sql OR db2) Information Technology & Services
x-ray search in design website for female illustrators or designers AND (rhino OR solidworks OR illustrator OR "after effects") AND (toy OR toys OR doll OR dolls OR game OR gaming OR games) AND (she OR her) AND design Design