Description String Industry
game or toy designers in the los angeles area (intitle:resume OR intitle:cv) AND “(toy OR game) (programmer OR developer OR designer)” AND ("los angeles" OR "90001..93563") -job -jobs -sample -templates Design
SAP C4C ("Cloud for Customer" OR "C4C" OR "Cloud 4 Customer" OR "Cloud-for-Customer" OR "C-4-C" OR "Cloud-4-Customer" OR "Cloud for Customers" OR "Cloud 4 Customers" OR "Cloud-for-Customers" OR "Cloud-4-Customers") AND ("UI" OR "User Interface" OR "User Interfaces" OR "UserInterface" OR "UserInterfaces" OR "User-Interface" OR "User-Interfaces" OR "GUI" OR "UI5" OR "WEBUI" OR "UI-5" OR "WEB-UI") AND ("Cloud Applications Studio" OR SDK) Computer & Network Security
EDS/Electrical Design (electrical OR electronics) AND “catia V5” AND (packaging or package OR DMU) AND (wiring OR harness OR EDS) Automotive
resumes on github (“DOM AND HTML5”) (intitle:resume OR inurl:resume) Computer Software
UI/UX "((ui OR ux OR "user interface" OR "user experience" OR graphic OR visual OR interaction) AND (developer OR design OR designer) AND (css OR html OR dreamweaver OR photoshop OR javascript OR illustrator OR wireframes OR web OR "front end" OR front-end OR frontend OR sketch OR "html5 & css3" OR ios OR mobile OR android))" Information Technology & Services
Front-end "(javascript AND css AND html AND (ajax OR jquery OR angular.js OR angularjs OR angular OR backbone.js OR backbone OR react.js OR react OR ember OR ember.js) AND ("front end" OR frontend OR front-end OR html5 OR css3 OR bootstrap OR ui OR "user interface"))" Information Technology & Services
Full Stack Developer ("Full Stack Developer" OR "Full Stack Development" OR "Full Stack") AND (Java OR "J2EE" OR "J 2 EE" OR "J2ME" OR "J2SE" OR "JEE" OR "JavaEE" OR "Java EE" OR ".NET" OR "dotnet" OR "dot net" OR "Dot-net" OR "" OR "" OR "") AND (“HTML5” OR”HTML” OR “CSS3” OR “CSS” OR ”Typescript” OR ”JS” OR “React” OR “Angular5” OR Entity OR “MVC”) AND “Test” AND (Develop OR Development OR program OR programming) AND “SQL” Information Technology & Services
Python libraries (TensorFlow OR Scikit-Learn OR Numpy OR Keras OR PyTorch OR LightGBM OR Eli5 OR SciPy OR Theano OR Pandas) Computer Software
Share point Developer (“SharePoint Designer” OR “SharePoint Developer”) AND O365 AND ("SharePoint Online" OR "OneDrive for Business" OR 'MS Flows" OR "Power Apps" OR "Planner" ) AND Powershell AND Onedrive AND ( Migration OR SPMT OR Metalogix OR ShareGate OR Quest OR AvePoint) Computer Software
Infrastructure/Active Directory Engineer (exchange OR cloud OR “office 365” OR SharePoint OR “Active Directory” OR Infrastructure OR Network) AND (vmware OR virtual* OR DNS OR DHCP) AND Vmware AND vsphere AND (EMC OR BROCADE OR JUNIPER OR F5 OR IIS) AND (server OR servers) Computer & Network Security