Description String Industry
Storage Engineer "(("storage engineer" OR "storage architect" OR "storage engineering" OR "storage system" OR "data storage" OR "storage software" OR "cloud storage") AND ("storage area networks" OR das OR nas) AND (virtualization OR san OR "cloud computing" OR vmware OR "data center" OR "disaster recovery" OR netapp OR "high availability"))" Information Technology & Services
Systems Engineer "(("system engineer" OR "systems engineer" OR "systems engineering" OR "system engineering" OR "distributed systems") AND (virtualization OR "data center" OR security OR networking OR "cloud computing" OR "operating systems"))" Information Technology & Services
PHP "(php AND (mysql OR mongodb OR redis OR nosql OR sql OR postgresql) AND (cakephp OR laravel OR codeigniter OR symfony OR zend OR phalcon OR yii OR backend OR back-end OR "back end"))" Information Technology & Services
Network Engineer "(("network engineer" OR "network systems" OR "network engineering" OR "network design") AND ("cisco technologies" OR switches OR vpn OR firewalls OR "network security" OR routers OR networking OR tcp/ip OR troubleshooting OR routing OR "data center" OR "cisco ios" OR wan OR "network administration" OR ospf OR bgp OR dns OR "network architecture" OR ccna OR juniper OR lan-wan OR voip OR "cisco routers" OR virtualization OR "disaster recovery"))" Information Technology & Services
iOS "(ios AND ("objective c" OR objective-c) AND (swift OR xcode OR "cocoa touch" OR tvOS OR watchOS))" Information Technology & Services
DevOps "(((devops AND automations AND operations) OR (devops AND performance AND monitoring) OR "site reliability" OR sre OR (build AND release)) AND ("continuous integration" OR "continuous deployment" OR ci OR cd OR chef OR nagios OR puppet OR icinga OR jenkins OR docker OR rocket OR ansible OR saltstack OR fabric OR collectd OR collectl OR OR elk OR monit OR nginx OR nuget OR cfengine OR saltstack OR capistrano OR qubell OR gradle OR nexus OR zabbix OR splunk OR "new relic" OR newrelic OR dynatrace OR bluestripe))" Information Technology & Services
Information security engineer (("security" OR "information security") AND "network security") OR ("computer security" AND "networking") OR ("active directory" OR "troubleshooting") Information Technology & Services
CISO and Information Security Management (("cissp" OR "computer security") AND "information security") OR ("information security management" AND "risk management") OR ("it management" OR "it strategy") Information Technology & Services
Sharepoint Infrastructure Admin (("security" OR "infopath forms") AND "ssis") OR ("requirements analysis" AND "controlpoint") OR ("nintex" OR "sharepoint designer") Information Technology & Services
Pega Lead ("Pega PRPC" OR "Pega Rules Process Commander" OR "Pega Openspan" OR "Pega Architect" OR "Pega Lead" OR "Pega") AND ("Java" OR J2ee ) AND ("CLSA" OR LSA OR "Certified Lead System Architect" OR "Lead System Architect") Information Technology & Services