Description String Industry
Broad string for finding heads of Information Technology/IT based on title (CIO OR "Information Officer" OR "Vice President" OR SVP OR VP OR Director OR Manager OR Head) AND ("Information Technology" OR "Information System" OR IT OR IS) Information Technology & Services
X-Ray search LinkedIn for IT professionals (CIO OR "Information Officer" OR "Vice President" OR VP OR Head OR "Director") (Information Technology OR IT OR IS) Information Technology & Services
Gives resumes of candidates that are shared on the slideshare. Contact details provided along with resume (CV OR Vitae) "business development" "information technology" sales florida Information Technology & Services
Android and/or iOS Developer (Android OR iOS) AND (Java OR “Objective-C” OR ObjC OR “Objective C” OR Swift) AND ("android developer" OR “iOS Developer” OR "mobile developer") Information Technology & Services
String for User Experience/User Interface designers/researches no specified locations "lives in *" (ux OR "user experience" OR "user designer" OR "ux/ui" OR ui OR uxd OR ued OR xd) (design OR designing OR research OR researcher OR researching OR designer OR designs) Information Technology & Services
User Experience/ User Interface professionals living in the bay area AND ("lives in california"|"lives in bay area") (ux|"user experience"|"user designer"|"ux/ui"|ui|uxd|ued|xd) (design|designing|research|researcher|researching|designer|designs) Information Technology & Services
Developers in LinkedIn Groups inurl:(in | pub) " HTML/CSS Developer" AND "jQuery" AND "Eindhoven en omgeving" -inurl:dir -inurl:jobs -inurl:job -inurljobs2 Information Technology & Services
Linux Sys Admin / DBA (“dba” OR “database administrator” OR “database administration” OR “system administrator” OR “system administration” OR “sysadmin”) AND linux AND (mysql OR “my sql” OR “my-sql”) AND (“ksh” OR bash OR perl OR python) AND (nosql OR “no sql” OR “no-sql” OR mongo OR “disaster recovery” OR “meta data analysis” OR “data modeling” OR troubleshooting OR reporting OR backup) Information Technology & Services
String for finding Network Administrators Server* AND (AD OR “Active Directory”) AND Exchange AND DNS AND (Linux OR Unix OR Centos OR RedHat) AND (Lan OR WAN) AND (VOIP OR SIP) AND (“power shell” OR scripts OR scripting) AND (routers OR routing OR switches OR switching OR bridges OR “Network Administrator”) Information Technology & Services
OBIEE Architect (OBIEE OR “oracle Business Intelligence”) AND (“DW” OR “data warehouse” OR “data warehousing”) AND (IBOTS OR DAC OR RPD OR SME OR OOTM OR BIAPS OR OBI OR ETL OR informatica) Information Technology & Services